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Rhetoric 102: Writing about War

U.S. National Archives

A part of the National Archives, the Archives Library Information Center (ALIC) provides researchers with convenient digital access to content related to American history and government, information management, archival administration, and more.

Visitors may search the Library Catalog for materials, or browse through some of the library's curated collections.

ALIC resources related to the War in Iraq:

This collection includes (but is not limited to):

  • Relevant U.S. Army publications
  • Reports from the George W. Bush administration discussing Saddam Hussein's propaganda and disinformation campaign (1990-2003)
  • Link to a PBS documentary about the allied invasion that removed Saddam Hussein from power
  • Analysis of studies on the human cost of the Iraq War
  • Interactive timelines of the Iraq War
  • The War Diaries: the Iraq war diaries of Tim McLaughlin


Pew Research Center (1997+)

"Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis, and other data-driven social science research." (Pew Research Center, About.)

U.S. Library of Congress

Visit the U.S. Library of Congress website to browse or search through one of the largest libraries in the world. Results include books, manuscripts, interviews with veterans, videos, U.S. legislation, photos, archived web pages, personal narratives, and more.

Gallup Polls

Gallup is a research-based consulting company which has become well known for its public opinion polls.