Please note: reserve items are loaned according to an instructor's specifications, and reserve materials must be used inside the library building. The typical checkout time for reserve items is 2-3 hours, in-library use only. To check out course reserves, just visit the main Circulation Desk today and ask for an item by faculty or course name and item title. |
Faculty may either drop off reserve items in-person at the Circulation Desk, at which point they will fill out a print reserve form. Faculty may also fill out our online reserve form, at which point library staff will pull items and place them on reserve for your course. If you have any personal items that you would like to place on reserve for your class, please contact the the Library Assistant for Interlibrary Loan, Max Folz, to arrange a way to drop them off at the library (, 434 - 223 - 6192). Please allow 48 hours (or to two business days) for us to process your request. We cannot always accommodate same-day requests. Interlibrary loan items and reference items may not be placed on reserve. |
Location: 2nd Floor, Circulation Desk
Students: Do you need to watch a movie that's on reserve for your class, but you don't have a DVD player?
Visit the Fuqua Technology Commons to check out one of our external disc drives or laptops!