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Surveillance Cameras

The library employs surveillance cameras as one of a number of measures to preserve a safe and secure environment for our students, faculty, and staff. These devices are intended to help protect library materials and property from theft and vandalism and to assist college officials in identifying individuals in violation of the law or college standards of conduct. Signs are posted at library entrances to inform users that cameras are present.

Our cameras are situated to monitor areas of the building that are out of the line of vision of library staff or to provide security in areas where valuable materials are shelved. Cameras are not used in or around restrooms, and care is taken to assure that they do not infringe upon users' privacy concerning reading, viewing, or listening activities in the library. In addition, the cameras will not be used in such a way as to invade the privacy of college employees.

Video files recorded by our cameras are retained for two weeks unless circumstances require holding the video of a particular incident for potential action by college officials. In these cases the video may be used to assist in investigating the incident. The library and computer center staff, assisted by the college police department, will maintain control of and responsibility for the cameras and other security equipment. Authorization from the Dean of the Faculty, the Vice President for Administration, or the Director of Security and Police is required to access video files, except for emergency access by the Library Director. A written request to the Director of Computing will be required to view video files and access to the files by Computer Center staff will be restricted to the Senior Systems Administrator except during times of installation or adjustment when this may include the Windows NT Systems Administrator or the Hardware/Software Specialist.

Investigations involving law enforcement agencies may lead to video files being subpoenaed or made the subject of a warrant.

October 2010