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Respect My Authority: Positioning Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness in Source Evaluation

Resources for the Information Literacy Frame “authority is constructed and contextual.”

Glossary of Terms

From the Collins Dictionary Site, -

Alternative Fact: a theory posited as an alternative to another, often more widely accepted, theory

Bias: a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favor that person or thing

Click Bait: something on a website that encourages people to click on a link

Cognitive Dissonance: the confused mental condition that results from holding incongruous, often mutually contradictory, beliefs simultaneously

Conspiracy Theory: a belief that a group of people are secretly trying to harm someone or achieve something, OR any theory that purports to explain something by ascribing it to collusion among powerful conspirators

Expertise: special skill or knowledge that is acquired by training, study, or practice

Fake News: false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting

Loaded: a loaded question or word has more meaning or purpose than it appears to have, because the person who uses it hopes it will cause people to respond in a particular way.

Parody: a humorous piece of writing, drama, or music that imitates the style of a well-known person or represents a familiar situation in an exaggerated way

Propaganda: information, often inaccurate information, that a political organization publishes or broadcasts in order to influence people

Satire: the use of humor or exaggeration in order to show how foolish or wicked some people's behavior or ideas are, OR the use of ridicule, sarcasm, irony, etc. to expose, attack, or deride vices, follies, etc.

Troll Farm: An organization whose employees or members attempt to create conflict and disruption in an online community by posting deliberately inflammatory or provocative comments

Truthiness: (of a belief, etc) the quality of being considered to be true because of what the believer wishes or feels, regardless of the facts

Verification: a verifying or being verified, establishment or confirmation of the truth or accuracy of a fact, theory, etc.

From the English Oxford Living Dictionaries Site,

Confirmation Bias: the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories

Post-truth: relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal beliefs

Troll: a person who makes a deliberatively offensive or provocative online post