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Starting Your Research

Search In: Library Databases

If you're looking for scholarly articles, the best place to start your research will be in the library's database resources. 

Be sure to access our resources through the library's website so that our databases, ebooks, and ejournals will recognize you as a member of the Hampden-Sydney community. If you are off campus, most resources will prompt you to log in with your HSC username (without the and password. 

To look for databases that cover particular subject matters, check out our full list of Databases by Subject. 


Enter your search terms directly in the search bar below in order to search through all of the databases at once. 

Filtering Search Results

A basic search through the library's databases can retrieve hundreds, if not thousands, of articles. These results can be filtered in several ways. Keep an eye out for some of the following filters on your search results page: 

Available in Library Collection -- will limit results to just full-text

Scholarly/ Peer Reviewed -- will limit results to just academic sources

Publication Date -- limits to only specific date ranges

Source Type -- limits to specific sources (ebooks, academic journals, videos, etc.)

Subject -- limits to subjects that are either closely related or subsets of the current keywords