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Publication Finder Notice: Policies

This is a notice to be used briefly to inform patrons of changes to Publication Finder.

Gift Policy

In addition to monetary gifts the library welcomes gifts-in-kind in a variety of formats, including books, archival materials, manuscripts, media items such as DVDs, and art objects. Gifts are subject to the same policies and procedures as purchased items, and the library retains the right to accept or decline any gift. In general, gifts are accepted when they support the educational and research needs of the students and faculty, enhance the library environment, or build upon existing Bortz Library collection strengths. The Director of the Library will co-ordinate with the Director and Curator of the Atkinson Museum in determining the appropriate disposition of gifts.

Whenever possible, gifts are previewed for suitability before being accepted. The Director of the Library will collaborate with the Office of Institutional Advancement on the solicitation and acceptance of gifts. At the time of donation, the donor will be asked to complete and sign a gift information form transferring ownership and acknowledging the library’s role and rights in the disposition of the gifts. Printed copies of the form are available at the circulation desk. Inquiries concerning gifts should be communicated to the Director prior to the actual transport of materials to the Bortz Library. It is also the responsibility of the donor to provide a list of the items donated. Once a gift has been accepted it becomes the property of the Library and may be added to the collection, sold or discarded as deemed appropriate by the Library Director. If the Director intends to sell or discard gifts, he or she will co-ordinate such disposition with the Office of Institutional Advancement and/or the Business Office.

Gifts may qualify as legitimate deductions for tax purposes. However, the College is considered to be an interested party, and we cannot provide or pay for appraisals. Donors are responsible for any appraisal expenses and must comply with all IRS regulations in force before delivery of gifts or donations. The acceptance of a gift which has been appraised by the donor or a third party in no way implies endorsement of the appraisal by the library.

Gifts are acknowledged by letter and also by inclusion of a bookplate or other label when appropriate. If the donation is to be used for tax purposes the donor should keep a record of the gift for documentation.

October 2011

Circulation Policy


Students and community patrons may check out books for four weeks. Other than McNaughton titles, they may be renewed for two additional four-week periods, provided that another patron has not requested the book. Students engaged in long-term research projects may arrange longer loan periods with a staff member. The book itself should be presented at the circulation desk for renewal. Patrons may also renew by phone by calling 434.223.7227 and reading the book's barcode number to the staff member on duty.

There are no limits on the number of books that faculty, staff, or students can check out. However, patrons are strongly encouraged to return books that they are not using so that the campus community at large can have access to them.

Media items

Films in DVD and VHS format, audio recordings (both tape and CD) are available for checkout to all patrons. Equipment, such as digital, still, and video cameras, and audio recorders, are available for checkout to faculty, staff, and students only. They circulate to students for three days, and to faculty and staff for five days, and may be renewed twice for the appropriate period of time in person or by phone by calling 434.223.6293.

Due to the size and demand on our media collections, we ask that you check out no more than five items at a time. Patrons are strongly encouraged to return items that they are not using so that the campus community at large can have access to them.

Overdue items

There are no fines for overdue books or media items. However, students and community patrons with overdue items are not allowed to check out additional items until the overdues are returned or renewed in person or by phone as described above. Students with overdue items will be allowed to check out materials on course reserve. Patrons will be expected to pay replacement costs on all lost materials.

Students who leave campus at the end of an academic year without returning library items will be billed for replacement costs. These charges may also be billed to student accounts.

Policy on Surveillance Cameras

The library employs surveillance cameras as one of a number of measures to preserve a safe and secure environment for our students, faculty, and staff. These devices are intended to help protect library materials and property from theft and vandalism and to assist college officials in identifying individuals in violation of the law or college standards of conduct. Signs are posted at library entrances to inform users that cameras are present.

Our cameras are situated to monitor areas of the building that are out of the line of vision of library staff or to provide security in areas where valuable materials are shelved. Cameras are not used in or around restrooms, and care is taken to assure that they do not infringe upon users' privacy concerning reading, viewing, or listening activities in the library. In addition, the cameras will not be used in such a way as to invade the privacy of college employees.

Video files recorded by our cameras are retained for two weeks unless circumstances require holding the video of a particular incident for potential action by college officials. In these cases the video may be used to assist in investigating the incident. The library and computer center staff, assisted by the college police department, will maintain control of and responsibility for the cameras and other security equipment. Authorization from the Dean of the Faculty, the Vice President for Administration, or the Director of Security and Police is required to access video files, except for emergency access by the Library Director. A written request to the Director of Computing will be required to view video files and access to the files by Computer Center staff will be restricted to the Senior Systems Administrator except during times of installation or adjustment when this may include the Windows NT Systems Administrator or the Hardware/Software Specialist.

Investigations involving law enforcement agencies may lead to video files being subpoenaed or made the subject of a warrant.

October 2010

Group Study Room Policy

  • Rooms check out in 30 minute increments up to 120 minutes.
  • Use of study rooms is restricted to Hampden-Sydney students, faculty and staff.
  • Individuals may reserve a room up to 3 times a week.
  • Rooms may be reserved up to 14 days in advance.
  • Reservations are the responsibility of the student. Library staff are happy to answer questions about the reservation system or library policies, but staff will not make reservations, edit, or delete them for students.
  • The study rooms are intended for group study. Individuals may be asked to vacate rooms if groups need space to study together.
  • Group study rooms 4-11 will be left unlocked.  Group study rooms 1-3 will remain locked when not in use, with room keys available for checkout at the FTC Desk on the main floor of the library.If a room is empty, students may use it on a first-come, first-served basis, but to ensure room availability, students should make a reservation.
  • Students with reservations should arrive within 15 minutes of their reserved time. After 15 minutes, other students may enter the room and use it until the next student with a reservation arrives.
  • Students should be prepared to show confirmation of reservation if necessary. Displaying the reservation on a laptop or mobile device will be sufficient.
  • Individuals using group study rooms are responsible for clearing the rooms of any trash, papers, and books.
  • Personal items left in study rooms after a reservation has ended may be removed and taken to the second floor circulation desk. Hampden-Sydney College is not responsible for personal items lost or stolen in group study rooms.
Group Study Room Floor/Room Number Size



8-10 people































Subject Guide